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Writer's pictureCopperFox

PULSE - Your Business Health Check.

The CopperFox team are proud to announce the release of our free business health-check tool which we are calling PULSE.

CopperFox Managing Partner, Tony felt it was an appropriate name because it taps into the life blood of your business at any point in time. And like your body’s pulse, it can change for better or worse depending on what is currently happening in your business.

Tony acknowledges that business health checks are relatively common-place these days, however Copperfox wanted to create an easy to use tool that provided valuable insights for business owners, that could be revisited to hopefully show improvements are being made in your business over time. At the same time, it provides the ability to benchmark your business against others based on size, location and industry sector.

The questionnaire was designed to cover off most key areas of any business, so includes questions around the state of your strategy and planning, customer relations, culture, supply chain, governance, cash and risk management. Sure, there are other elements that could have been included, but getting the balance right between comprehensive and workable especially for busy business owners, was important.

We are business advisors passionate about data insights, it’s in our DNA, hence our appetite for collecting data on the state of business health across NZ, Australia and the rest of the world. Over time participants can see how they compare to similar businesses and all participants. If nothing else, it should provide everyone that completes the questionnaire either confirmation that they are in a good space, or motivation to do better.

The value for participants is that because we have adopted a digital mindset in creating PULSE, we have automated the results fed back to all participants. For those that want more in-depth analysis, there is certainly the opportunity to book a meeting with us for a free consultation to discuss critical areas exposed by the questionnaire.

Tony clarifies: we were hoping to provide commercial insights that will help business owners improve and strengthen their business and with that, its value. There’s no obligation to use us to do the remedial work but we do have the capacity to do so should it be needed.

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